The first Europeans settled in the Northwest Territory in 1788. Migrants came from New York and New England. Ohio was admitted to the Union as the 17th state on March 1, 1803.
Aged Mother of Frank Foltz of
This Place Dies at Logansport
Mrs. Mary Foltz, the aged mother of Attorney Frank Foltz of this city, died at 2 p.m. Monday at Longcliff where she has been a patient for the past few years. The body was brought by mail to Remington yesterday afternoon and thence brought overland to Rensselaer and taken to the home of Mr. Foltz where the funeral will be held tomorrow at 2:30 o'clock, conducted by Rev. Strecker of the M. E. church, and burial made in Weston cemetery beside her husband, Cyrus Foltz, who passed away April 19, 1885.
Mrs. Foltz was born in Darke Co. Ohio, and was 80 years of age on February 3 last. She had resided in Rensselaer since 1886, and prior to that had lived at Oxford, to which place the family moved--from Rommey, Tippecanoe county.
She leaves but two children, Mrs. S. P. Thompson and Mrs. Foltz.
The Jasper County Democrat
4 July 1917
The Methodist Episcopal Church was founded by John Wesley, began in 1784. It became the major component of the current United Methodist Church.
At first, members were expected to seek the sacraments in the Anglican Church, but by the 1770s they had their own chapels. Circuit riders traveled by horseback to preach and establish churches. The earliest Episcopal Methodists in North America were drawn from middle-class trades and there were more women than men. Services were emotional and demonstrative.