Littleton Records
John Bridges of Littleton m. Mar. 5 1728/9 Martha Creasie [Creesy] of Rowley
Huldeth Bridges Daughter of John Bridges Deceased October ye 1st 1729 in her tenth year.
Joseph Bridges son of John Bridges Deceased October ye 5th 1729 in his fourth
Jann [Jane] Bridges Daughter of John [and Huldah] Bridges Deceased october ye 7th 1729 in ye 19th yaer of her age.
Daniel Bridges son of John Bridges Decesed october ye 8th 1729 inye 8th year of his age.
Samuel Bridges son of John Bridges Decesed october ye 30th 1729 in ye 13th year of his age.
Abigell Bridges Daughter of John Bridges Deceased Novr ye 6 1729 in ye 16th year of her age
Daniel Bridges son of John & Martha Bridges born March 2, 1734
Huldeth Bridges Daughter of John Bridge, Jr. & Sarah his wife born February 29th 1735
Daniel Bridges So of John and martha Brides Born March 2, 1739
John Bridges Desesed August 16 1739 Eiged 58 years
John Bridges son of John and Sarah Bridges Born feb 27:1747
Sarah Bridges Daughter of John and Sarah Bridges Born april ye 1st 1744
Abigiel Bridges Daughter of John & Sarah Bridges Born april 11th: 1750
December 25 1754
Daniel Bridges And Eunice Powers Both of Greenwich enterd into ye
Covenant of marriage
John and Sarah (Barrett) Bridges and family are said to have left Littleton for Dunstable.
Mr. John Bridges d. Febr ye 3rd A D 1790 In the 76th year of his Age
Mrs. Sarah wife of Mr. John Bridges d. March ye 18th 1790 in the 79th year of her age.