
An American Family History

Thomas Ricketts 1685

  Anne Arundel County, Maryland  

Ricketts is also spelled Rickeots, Rickeotts, Rickett, Rickets, Ricket, Rickel, Rickle, Rickels, and Rickles.

Maryland was established with religious freedom for Catholics. The colonial economy was based on tobacco cultivated by Africans who had been enslaved.

American colonists continued to use British monetary units, namely the pound, shilling and pence for which £1 (or li) equalled 20s and 1s equalled 12d. In 1792 the dollar was established as the basic unit of currency. Encyclopedia of British and Early American Coins

Thomas Ricketts was born on September 20 , 1685 in Anne Arundel, Maryland. He was the son of Thomas and Margaret Ricketts.

He married Rebecca Nicholson on December 10, 1702 in South River, Anne Arundel, Maryland.

Thomas and Rebecca's children's births were recorded at Queen Anne Parish in Prince George's County, Maryland.

John Ricketts was born on July 11, 1705.

Edward Ricketts was born on September 15, 1706.

Benjamin Ricketts was born on May 7, 1708.

William Ricketts was born about 1710.

Rebecca Ricketts was born on August 17, 1712.

Richard Ricketts was born on January 28, 1713/14.

Margaret Ricketts was born on February 27, 1715/16.

Susannah Ricketts was born on April 15, 1720.

Nicholson Ricketts was born on May 15, 1721.

John married Elizabeth Beddenfield in 1723/24 and inherited land from her father.

On March 25, 1723, he sold 180 acres of Ryley's Discovery and 35 acres of Major's Choice to Charles Carroll for £80. This was probably another mortgage.

On March 15, 1725, Thomas Ricketts sold 180 acres of Ryley's Discovery and 35 acres of Major's Choice to the "visitors" of the free school. In 1729, Thomas sued the visitors. He claimed they had promised to pay 120£ sterling, but had paid only 116£ 8s and still owed him 3£ 12s. The court referred the suit to three arbitrators who declared in favor of Ricketts and awarded him 3£ 12s plus 356 pounds of tobacco for costs of the suit.

Edward married Mary Ann Cheney about 1730. She was the daughter of Ann Jones and Charles Cheney. Edward and Mary Ann moved to Pennsylvania.

William married Margaret Cheney in 1731.

Thomas seemed to be having money problems in the early 1730s. In 1733, Thomas petitioned the Assembly to give him more time to pay his debts.

Robert Tyler's will in 1735 empowered his executors to sell 105 acres of Ridgely's and Tyler's Chance that had been mortgaged by his father in 1706 in case he did not pay.

Richard married Rebecca Cheney about 1744. She was the daughter of Thomas Cheney.

Thomas died 1773 in Anne Arundel County, Maryland when he was 87.

Rebecca died the same year on March 18, 1773. They were buried at All Hallows Cemetery in Davidsonville, Anne Arundel County, Maryland.

Prince George's County, Maryland was created in 1696 from portions of Charles, and Calvert Counties. It was divided into six districts called hundreds: Mattapany, Patuxant, Collington, Mount Calvert, Piscattoway, and New Scotland. A part the county became Frederick County in 1748.
Queen Anne Parish, Prince George's County, Maryland was established in 1704 when St. Paul's Parish was divided. Queen Anne's town was created in 1706 on the Patuxent River.
Old Style Calendar
Before 1752 the year began on Lady Day, March 25th,. Dates between January 1st and March 24th were at the end of the year. Old Style (O.S.) and New Style (N.S.) are used to indicate whether the year has been adjusted. Often both dates are used.
The first European settlements in Maryland were made in 1634 when English settlers created a permanent colony.

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from Prince George's Land Records 1717-1726 - Liber I - folio 473
Indenture, 25 Mar 1723; enrolled 28 Aug 1723
From: Thomas Ricketts, planter of Anne Arundel County
To: Charles Carroll of the City of Annapolis, Gentleman
For £80 a tract of 180 acres called Ryley's Discovery surveyed for Hugh Ryley around 10 Jul 1700; also 35 acres called Major's Choice surveyed for Col. Ninian Beall around 1 Aug 1686
/s/ Thomas Ricketts
Wit: Charles Walker (mark), Van Swearingen, Ana Tillman (mark)
Thomas Ricketts acknowledged deed before Edmond Benson anq Charles Hammond; Jos. Beale, Clerk of Anne Arundel County, certified Benson and Hammond 13 Jun 1723


from County Government in Maryland, 1689-1709, Volume 2

Thomas Ricketts, Sr. of Anne Arundel Co. purchased the above lands, but Thomas Rickett, Jr. lived in the county near Queen Anne's Town in Patuxent Hundred, and undoubtedly on one of his father's tracts. Relationship inferred


29th March 1733
Read and Assented to by the Lower House of Assembly.
Signed p Order M Macnemara G Lo Ho.

Read and Assented to by this House and Ordered to be so Subscribed, the Paper Bill so Endorsed is sent to the Lower House by Michael Howard Esqr
Read the Petition of Thomas Ricketts of Ann Arrundell County
praying that a Bill may be brought in to Oblige his Creditors to give him, Seven or five Years time for the payment of his Debts Ordered to lye on the Table.

Historically an esquire (Esq. or Esqr.) was the title of a man who ranked below a knight in the English gentry. Later it designated a commoner with the status of gentleman and was used by attorneys.


Maryland Calendar of Wills Vol. 7 pp.257-8.
Tyler, Robert, Sr., gentleman, Prince George's Co., 29th Dec.1735;
24th Aug, 1738,

. . . None of hrs. to claim any right or interest in Ridgely's and Tyler's Chance now in poss. of Thomas Fowler's hrs. Exts. empowered to sell 105 A. of land mortgaged by Thomas Rickets, of A. A. Co., in case sd. Rickets does not pay mortgage.

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©Roberta Tuller 2024
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