Thanklord Shepard |
Thanklord (Thanks, Thankes, Thankful, Thnkslord) Shepard was born about 1612 in England. She is not the daughter of Thomas and Dorothy Lord as many researchers believe. Their children are well documented. She married Ralph Shepard on May 21, 1632 in England. Her name in the marriage registry is Perkins. Their children and life together are described in detail in the section on Ralph and Thanklord Shepard. She came to America with her family in 1635. In October, 1651 she was one of 35 women in Malden who signed a petition to the General Court supporting the radical Puritan pastor, Reverend Marmaduke Matthews, who had caused offence to the authorities by zealously preaching about the wonderful nature of the Trinity. He was accused of "‘weak and unsafe expressions." She died in 1681 or 1693.
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