
An American Family History

John Stanfield

Stanfield was also spelled Standfield, Stanfill, Stanphill, Stansfield

The Society of Friends (Quakers) began in England in the 1650s, when they broke away from the Puritans. Pennsylvania was founded by William Penn, as a safe place for Friends to live and practice their faith.

John Stanfield was born about 1772 in Snow Camp, Alamance County, North Carolina. He was the son of Samuel Stanfield and Lydia Vernon.

He married Sarah Dillon on October 2, 1790 in Greene County, Tennessee. She was the daughter of Peter Dillon and Elizabeth Haworth. The security was Thomas Kipley.

Samuel Stanfield (1793, married Jane Matthews),
Sarah Stanfield (1795, married John Pitts),
Phoebe (Polly) Stanfield (1797, married Samuel Graham),
William Stanfield (1804, married Elizabeth Hise),
Hannah Stanfield (1808, married Elijah Yeager),
Permelia S. Stanfield (1811, married Reece Haworth, son of James Haworth, Jr.),
Maria Stanfield ( 1814, married Henry Dabney), and
Serena Stanfield (1817, married Harmon Stevens).

June 16, 1800, John Stanfield was commisioned as a captain in the Greene County, Tennessee Militia.

In 1805 and 1810 there was a John Stanfield on the Greene County, Tennessee, tax list.

Greene County, Tennessee developed from the Nolichucky settlement. It was formed in 1783 from part of the original Washington County, North Carolina.


Tennessee was admitted to the Union on June 1, 1796. It was initially part of North Carolina.




from History of Oregon, Volume 3, by Charles Henry Carey

Richard Temple Dabney was born September 11, 1855, in Vermilion county, Illinois, a son of Henry and Maria (Stanfield) Dabney. . .

His father, Henry Dabney, was born December 31, 1795, in King William county, Virginia. At the age of sixteen he served in the War of 1812. He and some thirty students of the academy he was attending volunteered in a body and selecting their teacher as captain had quite a skirmish with the British on the Rappahannock in King and Queen oounty, Virginia. There he was made sergeant. After the war he returned to the old home near Richmond. Virginia, and resided there until 1828. This plantation was well equipped with fine horses and carriages and slaves. Being convinced that slavery was wrong he set his slaves free and sold the plantation, giving to each slave a portion of the proceeds. Later on he removed to Terre Haute, Indiana, where he organized the First Methodist Sunday school.

While in Terre Haute he met Miss Maria Stanfield, a charming young lady of Nashville, Tennessee, whom he afterward married in Vermilion county, Illinois, October 21. 1830. In later years he purchased a small tract of prairie land in Madison county, Iowa, and moved his large family, consisting of his wife, nine sons and three daughters, to that farm, there to make a home.

Mrs. Henry Dabney, who in her maidenhood was Maria Stanfield, was born October 11, 1813, in Greene county, Tennessee. It was said of her that she was a true Christian, a devoted wife and mother, always doing deeds of kindness and lending a helping hand to those in need. She passed away April 10, 1889. Her parents John Stanfield and Sarah Dillon were married October 20, 1790, in Greene county, Tennessee. .

Colonial Maryland
Colonial New England
Colonial Virginia & West Virginia
Quakers & Mennonites
New Jersey Baptists
German Lutherans
Watauga Settlement
Pennsylvania Pioneers
Midwest Pioneers
Jewish Immigrants

©Roberta Tuller 2025
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