Various spellings of Stanhope
Stanape, Stanup, Standhope, Stanhop, Stanop, and Stannup
King Philip’s War was a bloody and costly series of raids and skirmishes in 1675 and 1676 between the Native American people and the colonials. King Philip was the Native American leader Metacom.
Ensign Jonathan Stanhope was born in 1632 in England.
He married Susannah Ayres in 1656 when he was twenty-four years old. Their children and life together is described in detail in the section on Jonathan and Susannah Stanhope.
On April 21, 1676, Jonathan participated in the Sudbury fight and in October signed the petition that described the battle.
. . .the Indians began to gather in towards the frontier towns in large numbers . . . Upon April 18th they came upon Marlborough again, and burned the houses they had left in the former attack. They hovered about the town for two days, evidently seeking to draw out the soldiers from the . . . they began to creep slowly in about Sudbury upon Thursday, April 20th. . . learning that the enemy had gone towards Sudbury, . .
. [Wadsworth] marched hastily back towards Sudbury. While this company were thus marching to and from Marlborough, the enemy were gathering more closely about Sudbury. . .The Enemy well knowing our Grounds, passes, avenues, and Scituations had neare surrounded Our towne in ye Morning early (wee not knowing of it) till discovered by fireing severall disserted houses: the Enemy with greate force & fury assaulted Deacon Haines House well fortified yet badly scituated, as advantageous to ye Enemys approach & dangerous to ye Repellant, yet (by ye help of God) ye garrison not onely defended ye place from betweene five or six of ye clock in ye Morning till about One in ye Afternoon but forced ye Enemy with Considerable slaughter to draw-off.
Many Observables worthy of Record hapned in this assault, Vizt That noe man or woman seemed to be possessed with feare; Our Garrison men kept not within their garrisons, but issued forth to fight ye Enemy in theire sculking approaches: Wee had but two of our townesmen slaine, & yt by indiscretion, none wounded; The Enemy was by few beaten out of houses which they had entered and were plundering; And by a few hands were forced to a running flight which way they would; The spoyle taken by them on ye East side of ye river was in greate pte recovered.
He died on October 25, 1702, aged 70.
Mary White Rowlandson,Talcot
was captured by Native Americans
during King Philip's War
Old Style Calendar
Before 1752 the year began on Lady Day, March 25th,. Dates between January 1st and March 24th were at the end of the year. Old Style (O.S.) and New Style (N.S.) are used to indicate whether the year has been adjusted. Often both dates are used.
New Hampshire was first settled by Europeans in 1623. It was separated from Massachusetts in 1679.
from Miscellaneous Provincial and State Papers, 1725-1800 edited by Isaac Weare Hammond
[Petition of Jonathan Stanhope, relative to Indians, 1750.]
To His Excellency Benning Wentworth Esqr Capt General & Governour in cheif in & Over his Majes Province of New Hampshire in New England, the Honble the Council & General Court Or Assembly for Said Province
The Petition of Jonathan Stanhope of Sudbury in the Province of the Massachusetts Bay in New England, Humbly Sheweth.
That Your Petitioner has Very often Served his Majty in the Wars with the French and Indian Enemy, & been Engaged in Several fights Against Said Enemy in the Said province of New Hampshire, In one of which fights Vizt on May 2d 1746, your Petitioner (then Under the Command of Majr Josiah Willard) killed one Indian & at the Same time Shot, & broke the Arm of Another Indian
That on June 19th 1746, At a place called the Dug-Way in Number 4. yor Petitiont being one of the Troop Who under the Command of Capt Josiah Brown [of Sudbury] Engaged a party of the Enemy, Received a very grievous Wound in his Arm, by A Shot from Said Enemy, by means Whereof Your poor petitioner has Suffered Extreme pain, & after the best Means to Obtain healing, Still remains Under much pain, & is rendered Utterly Uncapable to labour And so Wholly cut off from the Ordinary way of Subsisting himself in the World, Nor has Yor Petitr Such An Estate in the World as Will afford him a comfortable Support, without bearing hard upon his Children.
Your Petitionr humbly Prays Your Excellency And this Honble Court to take his distressed Condition into Your Wise & compassionate consideration And Grant him Such Relief, under the Same, either by An Allowance out of the publick Treasury, or a grant of Land out of the unappropriated Lands of the Province As in Your Excellency's And Hon" Great Wisdom and Justice Shall be thought fit And Yor Petitioner Shall Ever Pray &c
Jonathan Stanhope
Sudbury April the 7th 1750
These Certifie that the Within Pettetioner Was under my Command & In the Engagement Recd his Wound at No: 4: as within Exprest &c. Josiah Browne Capt
Genealogical and Family History of the State of Maine by George Thomas Little, Henry Sweetser Burrage, Albert Roscoe Stubbs published by Lewis Historical Publishing Company, 1909
Ensign Jonathan Stanhope, immigrant ancestor, settled early in Sudbury, Massachusetts, where he died October 22, 1702, aged seventy years. Therefore he was born in 1632, doubtless in England. He married, at Charlestown, April 16, 1656, Susanna Ayer.
He married (second) Abigail, who died at Sudbury, his widow, September 17, 1722.
Children, born at Sudbury:
1. Jonathan, February 2, 1657, married, May 11, 16/4, Sarah Griffin; children: i. Isaac, born June 27, 1675; ii. Jonathan, November 5. died November 19, 1681.
2. Sarah, March 25, 1658.
3. Hannah, married, April 1, 1686, Stephen Jennings.
4. Joseph, September 13, 1662, mentioned below.
5. Jemima, June 5, 1665.
6. Mary, January 29, 1667, married William Wesson. [I don't think that the Mary Stanhope who married William Wesson was the daughter of Jonathan and Susannah since she was considerably older than William]
7. Rebecca, October 29, 1670.
8. Jemima, married, October 15, 1689, Thomas Rutter.