
An American Family History

David Taylor and Anna Bolin


Northumberland County, Pennsylvania
Fairfield, Bath Township, Greene County, Ohio
Anna, Dinsmore Township, Shelby County, Ohio

Northumberland County, Pennsylvania was settled after the French and Indian Wars when settlers seeking land began migrating along the Susquehanna River. It was formally established in 1772.

Shelby County, Ohio is in western Ohio and was formed in 1819 from Miami County.
Buildings in Clark County, Ohio ranged from simple log cabins to sophisticated Italianate and Gothic Revival structures.
A surety bond is a promise to assume responsibility for the obligation of a borrower. The person who provides this promise, is known as a surety or security. Bondsmen were usually relatives or family friends.

David Taylor married Anna Bolen before 1810. They originally lived in Northumberland County, Pennslvania.

David and Anna's children are listed in the Taylor family record at Wesley Chapel Methodist Church in Ohio. John Taylor was born near Milton, Northumberland County, Pennsylvania on February 18, 1810.

At the time of the 1810 census, three David Taylor households lived in Northumberland. The most likely David Taylor household in Chillisquaque had 5 members, three boys under 10 and a man and woman over 25. This could be David, Anna, John and two sons who did not survive or the birth dates of some of their sons are incorrect.

Abraham Taylor was born about 1813 in Pennsylvania. Richard Taylor was born in 1814 and David Taylor was born in 1816. Richard is not listed in the Wesley Chapel Records. Oral family history says that in 1818 Anna had twins who died.

The family moved to Fairfield in Bath Township, Shelby County Ohio in about 1819. Triplets, Mary Ann Taylor Barr, Jacob Taylor and Elizabeth Taylor were born on August 23, 1819. The family appeared there in 1820. There is a note in the census that the children who were 18 or 20 months old were of one birth. 


The census indicated that one member of the family was involved in manufacturing.

1820 Taylor Household
One man between 26 and 44 - David would have been 36 if he were born in 1784
A woman between 26 and 45 - Anna who would have been 34 if she were born in 1786
One boy older than ten - John age 10
Four boys younger than 9 - Abraham age 7, Richard age 6,  David age 4, and Jacob age 1
Two girls younger than ten - Mary Ann age 1 and Elizabeth age 1

Ann died on September 25, 1823 and was buried in Mud River Cemetery in Clark County, Ohio. After she died, David married Mary Bolin.

In 1825 David had four horses with a value of 160 dollars and 4 cattle with a value of 32 dollars.

A boy was born after 1825 and before 1830. Ann Taylor Dill was born on March 5, 1829. The family appears in the Ohio Census for 1830 in Bath Township, Greene County on page 341. 

1830 Taylor Household
David, Sr. age 46
A woman between 20 and 30 - Mary
Three boys between fifteen and 20 - John age 20 Abraham age 17, and Richard age 16
Two boys between ten and fifteen - David age 14 and Jacob age 11
Two girls between ten and fifteen - Mary Ann age 11 and Elizabeth age 11
A boy younger than five
A girl younger than five - Ann age 1

Margaret Taylor Winget was born on December 19, 1830.

U. S. General Land Office Records show that David Taylor of Green County bought the west half of the Southeast quarter and the east half of the Northeast quarter of Section 25, Township 7-S, Range 6-E 1st PM meridian in Shelby County. The document was issued on August 1, 1831.

Nancy Taylor Cox was born about 1832.

They moved to Dinsmore Township, Shelby County in January, 1834. 

They came to Shelby county in 1832 and found one log house representing the settlement of Sidney. Mr. Taylor entered land in Dinsmore township, and found Indians plentiful but they were kindly treated at his log cabin and continued harmless. (History of Shelby County, Ohio)

They settled on 160 acres in Section 25. Dinsmore Township was organized on December 3, 1832. At first it grew slowly because of milk sickness.

David Taylor is listed as one of the first settlers. Records indicate that he came from Greene county with his wife and eight children. Peter Boling also arrived in Dinsmore Township in 1834 from Montgomery County, Ohio.

They probably joined Anna Methodist Episcopal Church which originally known as Mt. Gilead Methodist Episcopal church. It was organized at the home of Richard C. Dill in 1833. Their daughter, Ann, married Richard Dill's son, Espy.

Soon after they arrived in Dinsmore Township, David, Sr. died. He owed a considerable amount of money and the family’s belongings were sold after his death to cover the debts. When he died, John, Richard, and David were adults and the triplets were 16. The boy who was born after the triplets was about ten. Ann was six, Margaret was five, and Nancy was three.

On October 28, 1834 John Staley was made the guardian of Ann Taylor age 6, Margaret Taylor age 4 and Nancy Taylor age 2. (Book 2, Page 86, Guardianship Records of Shelby County, Ohio Probate court.)

On August 24, 1835  John Taylor became the guardian of Mary Ann and Elizabeth who were 16. Abraham Taylor and Reuben Staley were securities. On the same day Abraham Taylor became the guardian of David 19 and Jacob 16. John Taylor and Reuben Staley were securities. Reuben Staley lived in Salem Township in 1840 and Franklin Township in 1850. He was born in 1802 in North Carolina.

One year later on August 4, 1836 William J. Martin (1850 census says he was an attorney) was appointed the guardian to David, Mary Ann, Elizabeth, Jacob, Ann, Margaret, and Nancy Taylor.

In 1836 Abraham married Maria Smith. Richard married Lucretia Winget on March 29, 1844 in Clark County. Jacob Taylor and Sarah Bransiter married in 1845 in Shelby County. The Daniel and Elizabeth Branstiter family also lived in Dinsmore Township. In 1846, Jacob became Margaret’s guardian.

Some of the family relocated to Mad River Township, Clark County, Ohio after David’s death. Three of the children married Wingets there. David married Bethany in 1848, and Margaret married Martin in 1849. 

In 1850 John was in Dinsmore Township, Richard and Nancy were in Bethel Township, Jacob was in Perry Township, Elizabeth was in Sidney, and David, Abraham and Margaret were in Mad River Township.

Nancy married Benjamin Cox in 1855. Anne Taylor married Espy Dill in 1860. In 1860 Nancy was in Mad River Township. In 1870, Anna and John were in Dinsmore Township, Abraham was in Hamilton, Richard and David were in Indiana.

Milton is a borough in Northumberland County, Pennsylvania, on the Susquehanna River, 50 miles (80 km) north of Harrisberg. It was settled in 1770. Chillisquaque Township is just south of Milton and Turbot Township is just north
The Public Land Survey System is used to survey and spatially identify land parcels in the United States.
  • Range is the distance east or west from a referenced principal meridian in units of six miles.
  • A Section is approximately a one-square-mile block of land. There are 36 sections in a township.
  • A Township is a parcel of land of 36 square miles or a measure of the distance north or south from a referenced baseline in units of six miles.
  • Milk sickness which is also known as tremetol poisoning. It is characterized by trembling, vomiting, and severe intestinal pain and affects individuals who eat dairy products or meat from a cow that has fed on white snakeroot. Although rare today, milk sickness claimed thousands of lives in the early 1800s.

    MARRIED On Sunday the 2d inst by Heath Norbury, Esq Mr. James Kerlin of Augusta, to Miss Margaret Taylor, of Chillisquaque. (The Republican Argus, Northumberland, Pennsylvania, 12 Feb 1812, Page 3)


    The first Europeans settled in the Northwest Territory in 1788. Migrants came from New York and New England. Ohio was admitted to the Union as the 17th state on March 1, 1803.

    Settlers often built log cabins as their first homes.

    American pioneers migrated west to settle areas not previously inhabited by European Americans.

    North Carolina was one of the thirteen original Colonies. It was first settled by small farmers and grew quickly in the mid 18th century.


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    SHELBY COUNTY, Court of Common Pleas.
    Petition for partition, etc.

    John Taylor, Abraham Taylor, Richard Taylor
    David Taylor, Mary Ann Taylor, Elizabeth Taylor, Jacob Taylor, Ann Taylor, Margaret Taylor, and Nancy Taylor,
    heirs at law of David Taylor deceased, and Mary Taylor , widow.

    The above defendants, heirs at Law, of David Taylor, late of Shelby county, deceased, will take notice, that a petition has been filed against him in the Court of Common Pleas, in and for the said county of Shelby, and State of Ohio, by the above John, Abraham and Richard Taylor, petitioners,

    stating that they, together with the aforesaid defendants, are the heirs at Law of said David Taylor late of Shelby county, deceased; and that the two following described tracts or parcels of land of said David Taylor deceased, seized and possessed, have descended to them, as his heirs at Law as aforesaid, viz:

    The west half of the south-east quarter of section twenty five, in township seven south, of range six east, in the district of lands former subject to sale at Piqua, Ohio, containing eighty acres.

    And also, the east half of the north-east quarter of section twenty five, in township seven south, of range six east, in the district of lands subject to sale (formerly) at Piqua, Ohio, containing eighty acres,

    and that the said decd has left the said Mary Taylor his widow, who is entitled to dower in the above premises, which said petition prays partition of set off. The said defendants will further take notice that at the next term of said Court, application will be made by the said.petitioners for an order that partition be made of said premises, That the dower of said Mary, widow as aforesaid, be assigned to her according to the prayer of said petition,
    P. G. Goode, clerk
    J. A. Wells, sol for Petns.
    June 7, 1830.


    from Memoirs of the Miami Valley by John Calvin Hover, Joseph Daniel Barnes published by Robert O. Law Company, 1919.

    Anna is situated almost centrally in the wide expanse of wealthy farming country which characterizes Shelby county north of the Miami gorge. Land was first entered in this north territory in 1831, but the first settlers who arrived to stay were George Turner, Joseph Green and John Munch, in 1832. David Taylor, his wife and eight children came in 1834, Alfred Staley in 1833, and immigration followed rapidly from that time forward.

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