A History of the Townships of Byberry and Moreland in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania by Joseph C. Martindale
Daniel Walton, one of the four brothers. . .He married Mary Lamb, 6th mo. 21st, 1688 (O. S.). Throughout his long life he was much respected, and was considered among the faithful Friends of that day. He died in 1719, leaving seven children: Samuel, Daniel, Joshua, Joseph, Benjamin, Nathan, and Mary. Nearly all the Waltons at present residing in the vicinity of Byberry are descendants of the ancient Daniel.
(1.) Daniel and Mary Walton's Children.
(2.) Samuel [Walton], was disinherited by his father, for "disobedience to his mother," but inherited the estate belonging to his brother Nathan, who died intestate. He left the neighborhood and settled near Quakertown, in Bucks County. He had four sons, Samuel, Benjamin, Abraham, and Jacob, most of whom emigrated to the Western country.
(3.) Daniel [Walton, Jr.], married Clifton. . .His farm extended eastward to John Samms's Corner. He left three children, Daniel, Jane, and Massy.
(4.) Joshua [Walton], took the western part of his father's farm. . .He married Catharine Albertson, usually called "Case Walton." In the domestic history of the family many unpleasant traits are apparent. Joshua committed suicide by hanging himself to a tree in front of his house, and was buried in one of his back fields. His widow died 12th mo. 18th, 1759. For many years after the death of Joshua the premises were believed by the superstitious to be haunted, and
marvellous tales were told of sights, sounds, and presentations, terrific in their nature.
Men were actually frightened from the "Timber Swamp" in the daytime, but the ghosts have since departed. Joshua left three sons: Joshua, who died in 1779; Albertson, and Jonathan.
(5.) Joseph [Walton], married Esther, daughter of John Carver, of Buckingham. Children: Richard and Rachel.
(6.) Benjamin [Walton], was born in Byberry about 1693. He married Rebecca Homer, in 1724, by whom he had nine children. He settled on his father's farm in Byberry, and was prosperous in business. He was a member with Friends, and much respected by his contemporaries. He died in 11th mo. 1753; and his widow in 8th mo., 1783, aged 79 years. Rebecca was much esteemed, and her virtues are handed down to us in some verses made by James Thornton, Jr., shortly after her decease. Their children were, Elizabeth, Mary, Daniel, Hannah, Eebecca, Sarah, Benjamin, Esther, and William.
(7.) Mary [Walton], married William Homer... She died in 1788. Her sons, "Taff, Joe, and Jake, were bachelors, lounging about home and drinking a great deal of whiskey." They were called "The young Homers," being from their father's second wife.