
An American Family History

Josiah Yerkes

Yerkes has also been spelled Gerkes, Gerckes, Jerghes, Jerghjes, Jurckes,Yercas, Yercks, Yerkhas, Yerkas, Yerkiss, Yerks, and Yerkus

American colonists continued to use British monetary units, namely the pound, shilling and pence for which £1 (or li) equalled 20s and 1s equalled 12d. In 1792 the dollar was established as the basic unit of currency. Encyclopedia of British and Early American Coins

Josiah Yerkes was born on November 28, 1718 in the Manor of Moreland. His parents were Herman Yerkes and Elizabeth Watts. He was a farmer.

He married Mary Walton about 1747. Their life and children together are described in detail in the section on Josiah and Mary Yerkes.

In 1751 his father died. He had already received 50 acres. The will provided him with one pound and the provision that

it is also my Will that if Josiah my son thinks proper to keep the Thirty acres that is over and above the fifty acres that I gave him he may keep it he Paying my two Daughters Sarah and Elizabeth the Sum of Sixty Pounds (viz) Thirty Pounds each Current Money of Pennsylvania . . .

His will was dated December 2, 1791.

The Manor of Moreland was composed of a tract of ten thousand acres, and was created, in 1682, by a grant from William Penn to Dr. Nicholas More. Most of the Manor was in Philadelphia County, but is now Moreland Township, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania.
Children of
Herman Yerkes
& Elizabeth Watts:
  • Anthony Yerkes
  • John Yerkes
  • Sarah Yerkes Hufty
  • Josiah Yerkes
  • Herman Yerkes
  • Silas Yerkes
  • Elizabeth Yerkes Howell
  • Stephen Yerkes
  • Elias Yerkes
  • Titus Yerkes
  • Children of Josiah Yerkes
    and Mary Walton
  • Joshua Yerkes
  • Josiah Yerkes
  • Rebecca Yerkes Wood
  • Sarah Yerkes Bower
  • Margery Yerkes Saurman
  • Mary Yerkes
  • Early European settlers in the American colonies were mostly farmers and craftsmen. They had to work hard to provide daily neccesities for themselves.

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    Will Abstract for Josiah Yerkes of Moreland
    December 2, 1791
    To son Joshua, 30 s.
    To son Josiah, 30 pds.
    To daughter Rebecca Woods, 10 pds.
    To granddaughter Sarah Boon, cow
    To daughter Margaret 20 s.
    To daughter Mary, house and 2 acres, horse, cow, and choice of stock
    To son Nathaniel, remainder and 100 acres
    Executor: son Nathaniel Yerkes
    Witnesses: Silas Watts and George Shelmire

    Cattle were vital to a household and an important legacy.
    Unweaned cattle are calves.
    Female cattle are heifers and cows (had a calf).
    Male cattle are steers (castrated) and bulls.
    are trained draft animals and are often castrated adult male cattle.

    DNA match with other descendant in this line.
    William Walton
    Thomas Walton
    Caleb Walton
    Mary Walton Yerkes
    Josiah Yerkes
    Joshua Yerkes
    Josiah Yerkes
    Eliza Yerkes Fox

    John Newton Fox
    Eliza Fox Smith
    John Elmer Smith
    Virginia Smith Miller

    Colonial Maryland
    Colonial New England
    Colonial Virginia & West Virginia
    Quakers & Mennonites
    New Jersey Baptists
    German Lutherans
    Watauga Settlement
    Pennsylvania Pioneers
    Midwest Pioneers
    Jewish Immigrants

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