
An American Family History

Henry Coulston and Rebecca Braun

  Hanover Township, Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania (now Lower Pottsgrove Township, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania)  

Coulston is also spelled Caulson, Caulston, Coleson, Collisen, Collsen, Collson, Coulstone, Coleston, Colson, Coulson, and Coulstone.

Montgomery County, in southeast Pennsylvania was created on September 10, 1784, out of land that was originally part of Philadelphia County.

A yeoman was a man who owned and cultivated a small farm. He belonged to the class below the gentry or land owners. A husbandman was a free tenant farmer. The social status of a husbandman was below that of a yeoman.

American colonists continued to use British monetary units, namely the pound, shilling and pence for which £1 (or li) equalled 20s and 1s equalled 12d. In 1792 the dollar was established as the basic unit of currency.

Henry Coulston married Rebecca Braun. They were Quakers and he was a yeoman.

Henry and Rebecca's children included:

Ann Coulston Evans,

Elizabeth Coulston Ellis, was born about 1730. Some reseachers believe her parents were William Coulston, Jr. and Ann Rhoads.

Henry appeared on the list of Landholders of Philadelphia County in 1734. He had 100 acres in Hanover Township.

Rebecca Coulston Lykins was born about 1735.

Mary Coulston King,

In 1738 Henry was on the list of those entitled to burial in the Limerick cemetery whose land was donated by the Brooke family. They paid 5 schillings and agreed to a possible yearly rent of one peppercorn.

Grace Coulston Naugle

Sarah Coulston Linderman was born about 1740.

In 1741 Henry Coulston was assessed for 100 acres in New Hanover Township.

In 1742 he purchased land in Hanover Township, Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania from Henry and Elizabeth Taylor. This land is located near Sanatoga which was once called Crooked Hill, in what is now Lower Pottsgrove Township, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania.

Margaret Coulston Bachtell was born in 1744.

The men's minutes of the Gwynedd Monthly Meeting indicate that Henry was not faithful to Rebecca.

January 26, 1745

Henry Coulston to be spoken to

February 30, 1745

Thos Lewis and William Evans to speak to Henry Coulston and get him to come to next Meeting to give satisfaction

On March 28, 1745

gave a paper condemning and disowning his outgoings in marriage which was received on tryall of future conduct.

Henry wrote his will on June 15, 1781. He mentioned his children, Ann Evans, Elizabeth Ellis, Sarah Linderman, Rebecca Kikeings [Lykins], Mary King, Margaret Brightly [Bachtel] and Grace.

Henry died on November 24, 1783. Rebecca and Henry were buried togther in Limerick Cemetery, in Montgomery County, Pennsylvania. The cemetery is also known as the New Apostolic Church Cemetery or Saint James Lutheran Church Cemetery. Their daughter Grace was buried with them.

Henry's will was probated on December 16, 1783 and his daughter Grace was the executrix.
First printed in Boston 1745
Limerick Township, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania was originally in Philadelphia County. In 1784 it became part of Montgomery County.
Pottsgrove Township was formed in 1807. Its territory was taken from Douglas and New Hanover (formed from Hanover) Townships. In 1889 the townshp split into Upper and Lower Pottsgrove.
Gwynedd Township, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania was founded in 1698 by Welsh Quakers. The township split into Lower and Upper Gwynedd in 1891.
New Hanover Township, Montgomery (was Philadelphia) County, Pennsylvania was a section of the Frankfort Land Development Company in the early eighteenth century. It was called Falkner's Swamp because it was controlled by Daniel Falkner. He ceded to John Sprogell in 1708. Sprogell ousted many first settlers claiming that their titles were not legal. In spite of this fraud, Sprogell kept control of 22,000 acres. Many settlers were forced to buy back their own land. The villages in the township included Swamp, Fagleysville, New Hanover Square, and Pleasant Run.

The Society of Friends (Quakers) began in England in the 1650s, when they broke away from the Puritans. Pennsylvania was founded by William Penn, as a safe place for Friends to live and practice their faith.

Lush forests in Colonial America allowed settlers to build wooden homes.

Estate inventories give us a glance into the home life of Colonial Americans.



Philadelphia wills: 1724-1802. Henry Coulston, Yeoman, New Hanover Co of  Phila. Will dated 15 June 1781, probated 16 Dec 1783. Rec in will bk S No  336 p 470. Ch: Ann Evans, Elizabeth Ellis, Sarah Linderman, Rebecca Kikeings [Lykins], Mary King, Margaret Brightly [Bachtel] & Grace. Exec Grace Coulston.

Colonial Maryland
Colonial New England
Colonial Virginia & West Virginia
Quakers & Mennonites
New Jersey Baptists
German Lutherans
Watauga Settlement
Pennsylvania Pioneers
Midwest Pioneers
Jewish Immigrants

©Roberta Tuller 2019
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