Noah Tuttle, section 2, Washington Township, is one of the oldest pioneers of Wayne County and the oldest settler in Washington Township. He is a native of Pitt County, North Carolina, and was born November 3, 1830, a son of Benjamin and Gatsy Tuttle, who were born and reared in North Carolina.
When he was but a child his father died leaving his mother with eight children-Abraham, Lewis, Telitha, William, Rebecca, Guilford, Noah and Marinda. When he was about six years old his mother moved with her family to Monroe County, Virginia where he lived until thirteen years old, when they moved to Bartholomew County, Indiana. His early life was passed on a farm and there were learned lessons of industry that were of lasting benefit to him.
In 1851 the mother and two sons, Guilford and Noah, came to Iowa and located in Wayne County. He entered 160 acres of Government land in Washington Township, built a log house and commenced to make a home, there being at that time only four families in Washington Township. Here he has lived thirty-five years, and has experienced all the hardships and privations of pioneer life, and has assisted materially in the transformation of the wild prairie into a country of prosperous villages and thrifty farms. He has increased his land until he now owns over 1,300 acres, the most of it well improved. His residence is a neat story and a half frame and his farm buildings are commodious.
Mr. Tuttle was married in 1855 to Miss Barbara Tease of Lucas County, Iowa daughter of Joseph and Sarah Tease. To them were born eight children, six of whom are living-Gatsy Ann, Wlliam, Joseph, Grant, Martha and Charles. Mrs. Tuttle died in 1872,
and March 2, 1881, Mr. Tuttle married Miss M. Williams, daughter of Samuel and Susan Williams. They have one child-Rachel. Mr. Tuttle's children are among the most respected young people of Wayne County. His two eldest sons are married and settled on farms of their own. William, who was born December 14, 1859, was married April 8, 1883, to Marilda Williams and has one child-Jesse, born May 13, 1885. He has a fine farm of 120 acres, all well improved, and is engaged in general farming and stock-raising. Joseph also owns 120 acres of fine land and is a prosperous young farmer. He was born February 14, 1862, and was married March 8, 1882, to Marietta Williams. They have two children-Edith Oneda and Bessie Naomi. In politics father and sons are Republicans.
Biographical and Historical Records of
Wayne and Appanoose Counties, p. 452,
Interstate Publishing Co.,