Fairfield County, Ohio
Lancaster, Wells County, Indiana
Winterset, Union Township, Madison County, Iowa
Aurora, Hamilton County, Nebraska
Fairfield County, Ohio
Wells County, Indiana was first settled in 1829 and officially constituted in 1837.
Warren County, Iowa was formed in 1846. The county seat is Indianola.
Logan County is in central Illinois and was established in 1839.
Hamilton County, Nebraska was formed in 1870.
Indiana became a state in 1819. The north was settled by people from New England and New York, the center by people from the Mid-Atlantic states and Ohio, and the south by people from Southern states, particularly Kentucky and Tennessee.
John H. Long's first wife was Sarah Ann LeFevre. They married in 1837 in Fairfield County, Ohio.
Thomas Long was born May 22, 1838. Elizabeth J. Long was born in 1839.
At the time of the 1840 census there was a John H. Long in Liberty, Ross County, Ohio. The household consisted of a man and a woman between 20 and 29 and a boy and a girl both under 5. There were several other John Long households in Ohio with the same composition.
The family moved to Lancaster, Wells County, Indiana before Jerome Chancey Long was born in 1849.
At the time of the 1850 census, they were still living in Lancaster. The household consisted of John H. Long age 37, Sarah A. Long age 33, Thomas Long age 12, Elizabeth J. Long age 10, Rebecca Long age 9, J. H. Long age 6, Margaret Long age 4 and Jerome Long age 1. Only Jerome was born in Indiana.
Wesley Long, who was living with Thomas and his wife, Louisa, at the time of the 1870 census was born about 1850. Jacob Long was born in 1853.
By 1860 the family was no longer living in Wells County, Indiana.
In 1860, Thomas and Margaret were living in the William and Nancy Richard's household in Lincoln, Logan County, Illinois. Thomas was a farm laborer and Margaret was a domestic. William was Margaret's future husband's older brother.
I have not been able to locate the rest of the family in the 1860 census.
Rebecca married in 1861 in Logan County, Illinois. When Thomas enlisted in the civil war he gave his address as Delavan, Illinois.
John H. married in 1864 in Tazwell County, Illinois.
According to Jerome's listing in the Andreas Historical Atlas of Iowa, 1875, the family settled in Madison County, Iowa in 1864.
Sarah A. died before 1866 when on October 21, 1866, John H. Long married the Civil War widow, Sarah E. Freestone Brinson, in Winterset, Madison County, Iowa. Sarah already had two children.
John H. Long, farmer appeared on the list of voters in Union Township published in the 1869 History and Business Directory of Madison County, Iowa by J. J. Davies.
Their son Harry's biography said they were members of the Methodist Episcopal Winterset.
Jerome married in 1868 in Madison, Iowa. George Allen Long was born in 1869 in Iowa.
John's granddaughter, Rosa M. Hill was born in 1868 in Illinois. She was probably Margaret or Elizabeth's daughter. According to the 1880 census, her parents were both born in Ohio.
Thomas and Louisa married in 1869 in Logan County, Illinois. In 1870, they were living in Lincoln with Wesley Long age 20.
By the time of the 1870 census, the John and Sarah Long household was in Winterset, Union Township, Madison County, Iowa. Their farm was worth $1,060 and their personal estate was $1,248.
The household in 1870 consisted of John Long age 54 born in Ohio, Sarah Long age 23 born in Ohio, Jacob Long age 17 born in Indiana, Mary Brinson age 8 born in Iowa, and George Long, 10 months born in Iowa. The household also consisted of (sic) Joreme Long, age 22, born in Indiana, Amelia Long age 18 born in Iowa, and Mary Long 5 months born in Iowa.
In the Spring of 1871 the family went west to Nebraska and settled in Hamilton County on a homestead two miles from Aurora. It was on the northern border of the county near Grant County.
Aurora, Nebraska
Harry Hurburt Long was born April 19, 1876. David Alvin Long was born February 3, 1877. Rosa May Long Myers was born on October 1, 1879. According to the 1900 census David Alvins's father was born in Pennsylvania and their mother in Ohio.
In 1880 Jerome and his wife were living in Warren County, Iowa and Thomas and Louisa were living in nearby Lucas County.
In 1880 the John H. Long household was in Aurora, Hamilton, Nebraska. It consisted of J. H. age 65, Sarah E. age 40, George age 10, Harry age 6, Alvin age 3, and Rosa 8 months and Rosa M. Hill their granddaughter age 12. Their granddaughter was born in Illinois.
Horace Mickel Long was born on October 9, 1884. According to the 1900 census his father was born in Pennsylvania and his mother in Ohio.
In 1885 the household in Aurora. It consisted of John age 71, Sarah age 44, George age 15, Harry age 10, Alvin age 8, Rosa age 5, and Horrise age 5 months.
About 1891, George probaby married Rosetta in Hamilton County and left her a widow with two children before the 1900 census.
The household was still in Aurora in 1900. In the 1900 census the household consisted of John H. born in January, 1814, Sarah E. born in June 1840, Alvin born in February 1877, Horace M. born in October 1884, Ettia, their daughter-in-law, born in May, 1870 and their granddaughters Grace M. born in December, 1892 and Sarah H. born in May, 1897. Ettia may have been George's widow.
According to the 1900 census, Sarah had given birth to 10 children, 5 of whom were still living.
They were members of the Methodist-Episcopal church.
Sarah died May 28, 1903 in Aurora, Nebraska.
In 1910, 97 year old John was living with his son Horace and his family. The household consisted of John H., Horace M. age 27, Cora V. age 35, and Hazel 1½ years old. Cora's children from an earlier marriage were also in the household: Fred L. Troupe age 15, Cecil Troupe age 13, Bruezella Troupe age 10. Edith L. Classen who was 18 was a boarder in the home.
John died July 30, 1911 in Lincoln, Nebraska.
Fairfield County is in central Ohio. The county seat is Lancaster.
The Methodist Episcopal Church was founded by John Wesley, began in 1784. It became the major component of the current United Methodist Church.
At first, members were expected to seek the sacraments in the Anglican Church, but by the 1770s they had their own chapels. Circuit riders traveled by horseback to preach and establish churches. The earliest Episcopal Methodists in North America were drawn from middle-class trades and there were more women than men. Services were emotional and demonstrative.
Nebraska was not settled by many European-Americans until 1848. In the 1860s, the government took Native American land and opened it for homesteaders. Nebraska became the 37th state on March 1, 1867,
The Homestead Act was signed into law by President Abraham Lincoln on May 20, 1862. It gave an applicant 160 acres of undeveloped land outside of the original colonies. Anyone who had never taken up arms against the United States could file an application. They had to live on the land and make improvements to receive title.
1890 Farmer's list, Aurora, Hamilton County, Nebraska
Long, Henry
Long, J. H.
Long, W. S.
Madison County Marriages
Sarah Long married George M. Crane on January 28. 1862
G.M. Long married Minerva A. Peggs on January 20, 1863
Jerome C. Long married Elizabeth A. Lee on December 3, 1868
John H. Long married Sarah E. Brinson on October 21, 1866.
Wesley L. Long married Rosilla Best on October 15, 1867