
An American Family History

Iva Fox Sargeant

  also spelled Sargent, Sergeant, Serjeant  

Descendants of Absalom Fox and Christian Bonham are Mayflower Descendants.

  • Samuel Fuller
  • Hannah Fuller Bonham
  • Hezekiah Bonham
  • Amariah Bonham
  • Christian Bonham Fox
  • In 1607 the London Company established Virginia as the first permanent New World English colony.

    Iva Fox Sargeant was born on June 17, 1774. Her parents were Absalom Fox and Christian Bonham.

    She married Samson (Sampson) Sargeant . Sampson was born on December 25, 1767 in Frederick County, Virginia.

    Iva and Samson's children included:
    Harvey Sargent,
    David Sargent, (October 3, 1794), and
    John Sargent (February 15, 1797).

    Sampson Sargeant appeared in the 1790 census in Washington County Pennsylvania. The family consisted of two boys and a man and a woman. Iva was only 16 at this time so she either married very young or he had a wife before her.

    Iva died before the family moved to Ohio. She may have died in childbirth. She was only 23 or 24 years old. After her death, he married Rebecca Squier Morton, the widow of Thomas Morton and daughter of Meeker Squier and Rebecca Meeker. Rebecca already had three children with Thomas Morton:

    Rachel Morton Fox (1795, married Charles Fox),
    Samuel Morton (1797), and
    Meeker Morton (1800).

    Sampson and Rebecca's children together included:

    Thomas Sargeant (1808),
    Ivy Sargeant Randolph (1805, married Benjamin Randolph),
    Eliza Sargeant (1810),
    Rebecca Sargeant (1819), and
    Phebe Anne Sargeant.

    In 1809 and 1810 Sampson was in Deerfield Township, Warren County, Ohio.

    On February 13, 1816 Sampson Sargeant was appointed guardian of Meeker Squire Morton who was 15 years old.

    Sampson died on May 5, 1847. He was buried in Fellowship Cemetery with his second wife and children and his in-laws, David and Sarah (Sutton) Fox.

    Children of Absalom Fox
    and Christian Bonham
  • Captain Charles Fox
  • Bonham Fox
  • Mary Fox Frazee
  • David Fox
  • Anchor Fox Sutton
  • Iva Fox Sargeant
  • Jonathan Fox
  • Rebecca Fox Dearth
  • Childbirth was was perilous. Around 1.5 percent of births ended in the mother's death. Since women gave birth to many children, chances of dying in childbirth were quite high.

    Most Americans were farmers in the 18th and early 19th centuries.



    Guardianship is when a court gives an adult custody of a child and/or the responsibility of managing the child's property. Before women could own property, guardians were appointed for their minor children if their husband died.

    New Jersey's first permanent European settlement was in 1660.

    from Family Records: Or, Genealogies of the First Settlers of Passaic Valley by John Littell

    Meeker Squier (son of Benjamin,) and Rachel Meeker lived near the Blue Ball, Warren county, Ohio, and had children:

    1. Rebecca [Squier], who married, 1st, Thomas Morton, and had children:
    1. Rachel Morton;
    2. Samuel Morton;
    3. Meeker Morton.

    Rebecca married,
    2d, Samuel Sergeant, (as his 2d wife,) and had other children:
    4. Ivy Sergeant;
    5. Eliza Sergeant;
    6. Thomas Sergeant;
    7. Rebecca Sergeant;
    8. Phebe Anne Sergeant.

    2. Anna, who married David Johnson, and had children:
    1. Ithaman Johnson;
    2. Phebe Johnson;
    3. Rachel Johnson;
    4. John Johnson.

    3. William, who married Puah Osborn, daughter of Jonathan H. Osborn.

    4. John, who married Mary Potter, daughter of Russel, son of Levi, and had children:
    1. Levi;
    2. Joanna;
    3. Russel;
    4. Rachel;
    5. Rhoda Anne;
    6. Mary Jane;
    7. Ezekiel;
    8. Ivy;
    9. Adeline.

    5. Ezekiel, who is not married.

    6. Phebe, who married John Squier, son of Thomas, of New Jersey.

    7. Stephen who married Sarah Bond, daughter of Caleb, and had children:
    1. Levi;
    2 Caleb;
    3. Rachel;
    4. Charlotte.

    Frederick County, Virginia was formed in 1743 from Orange County. Old Frederick County included all or part of four counties in present-day Virginia: Shenandoah, Clarke, Warren, and Frederick, as well as five in present-day West Virginia: Hardy, Hampshire, Berkeley, Jefferson and Morgan.
    Colonial Maryland
    Colonial New England
    Colonial Virginia & West Virginia
    Quakers & Mennonites
    New Jersey Baptists
    German Lutherans
    Watauga Settlement
    Pennsylvania Pioneers
    Midwest Pioneers
    Jewish Immigrants

    ©Roberta Tuller 2025
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