Washington County, Pennsylvania, was created from Westmoreland and Fayette Counties in 1781. Originally it was a part of Virginia. Washington County split into Allegheny, Greene and Beaver Counties.
Jonathan and Hannah's children included:
Bonham Fox (1801, married Mary Fox),
James Fox (1802),
Absalom Fox (1804),
Ambrose D. Fox (1807, married Sarah Cline),
John C. Fox (1815),
George L. Fox (1817),
Martha Ann Fox Dunham (1820, married Henry Jones Dunham),
Rebecca Nell Fox (1823, married Charles Fox (son of David Fox and Mary Cammel), Jonathan Fox (1825, married Joanna Fox daughter of Absalom Fox and Sarah McFarland).
Bonham Fox 1801 and Mary Fox 1815
They settled on Muddy Creek, west of Deerfield, Ohio about 1797 or 1798. After his father's death the other heirs transferred 98 ¾ acres of land to him. It was called Fox Hill on Ten Mile Creek, beginning at an elm tree near the properties of David Sutton, Philip Llewellyn (Luallen), and Charles Fox.
Jonathan appeared in the 1810 tax list of Warren County, Ohio in Deerfield.
The family appeared in the 1850 census of Union Township, Warren County, Ohio. The household consisted of Jonathan who was 73, Hannah who was 68, Absalom who was 46, F. McKenney who was 36 and Mary A. Howard. Their two nearest neighbors are their sons, John and Jonathan.
Jonathan died on January 31, 1851 in Warren County, Ohio and Hannah died on June 12, 1853.
Warren County is in southwest Ohio and was formed in 1803 from Hamilton county. Lebanon is the county seat.
The First Barbary War (1801–1805) was between the United States and the Barbary States of Tripoli and Algiers.
The first Europeans settled in the Northwest Territory in 1788. Migrants came from New York and New England. Ohio was admitted to the Union as the 17th state on March 1, 1803.
The Western Star,
December 14, 1911 Johnathan Fox was born near Lebanon, December 15, 1825 and died at Pleasant Plain aged 85 years, 11 months, and 17 days. After his marriage, he lived on a farm near Level [Station].
Here seven children were born, of these a son and three daughters with two grandchildren survive him to cherish the memory of his happy Christian Life.
I do not remember the time when there was not a family altar in our home" is the testimony of the son.
He united with the F. W. B. [Free Will Baptist] church when 29 years of age and from this time he gave the best of his skill and knowledge to up-building of God's Kingdom on earth. His home was the home of the minister and church worker, his purse contributed to every good cause, not only money, but time earnest thought prayer and faith were given not as a duty but as joyful loving service. For forty-five years he has given of his best to the Pleasant Plain Sabbath School. He organized a Sabbath School at Oak Ridge and superintended that for two years. As sight and body failed he still came to Sabbath School. Only three Sundays were missed before the Master took him.
On his last day on earth he roused again to the thought of his dear school and
with almost superhuman effort poured out his soul in earnest prayer that the people with whom he had lived and laboured and the young folks he loved so well might be won to know the Savior he was trusting in the last dread hour. With his oft repeated soul cry "Maybe someone will rally, Maybe someone in "... The prayer was ended here to be carried we trust to the throne of his Redeemer. Reverently may we say Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord for their works do follow them
Baptist churches were found in early colonial settlements and grew out of the English Separatist movement and the doctrine of John Smyth who rejected infant baptism.
Mrs. Mary Fox is Dead at Advanced Age of 93 Years
Mrs. Mary Fox [daughter of Absolem Fox & Sarah McFarland, granddaughter of David Fox and Sarah Sutton], widow of Bonham Fox [son of Jonathan Fox and Hannah Dearth] and one of the oldest residents of Hillsdale county, died this morning about 7:00 o'clock.
She had lived in Hillsdale nearly half a century and passed her 93rd birthday anniversary the 15th of last October. Death was due to slow consumption, with which Mrs. Fox had been afflicted for two or three years, She had been confined to her bed but four or five weeks and part of that time was able to sit up.
Mrs. Fox is survived by four children: Miss Cynthia Fox and Miss Mary Fox who are at home; Bonham Fox of Chicago; and Doctor Fox of Tipton, Indiana; who has been spending the winter at Indianapolis. Bonham Fox is expected this evening and Dr. Fox sometime tomorrow. Funeral arrangements will not be made until after their arrival. The service will probably be held, however, sometime Tuesday. Hillsdale Standard Herald, March 12, 1910
Tuberculosis (TB) is a common and often deadly infectious disease. It was called consumption. It usually attacks the lungs and the symptoms are coughing blood, fever, night sweats, and weight loss.